“Specialization is for insects” – Robert A. Heinlein

I’m Friedemann Findeisen, a creative weirdo from the middle of nowhere. I love making things, learning things and helping people. If I don’t make, I get restless. If I don’t learn, I feel empty. If I don’t help, I feel ungrateful. Good things have happened when I managed to balance all three.

In the past, I’ve been a magician, public speaker, music video director, songwriter, producer, board game designer, author, publisher, YouTuber, music profiler, illustrator, musician and film composer.


All images are clickable.

The Artists Series

In this YouTube show, I discuss the world’s biggest artists and how they make us feel a certain way. The twist is that I look at these artists holistically, drawing from a wide range of fields for my analyses, spanning everything from songwriting and production to lighting, fashion, music videos and marketing. The series has gathered over a Billion views on YouTube.

The Addiction Formula

In my first bestselling book, I look at one of the great formulas of commercial music: Lyric-Less Storytelling. How do great songs draw us in and keep our attention? The answer is a psychological principle that ties together structure, harmony, melody, groove, production and lyrics into a blueprint anyone can use.

The Songwriting Decks (Kickstarter)

To help songwriters create more, break writer’s block and train their songwriting skills, I created and designed five decks of cards that come with thousands of hand-picked ideas, exercises and prompts to help with the writing process. The kickstarter I ran in 2019 overfunded by 238%.

Holistic Songwriting Academy (ongoing)

I’m currently working on my Magnum Opus: A 1-year online workshop that teaches songwriting students everything there is to know about songwriting, arrangement and production. We touch on everything from groove, harmony, melody, structure and lyrics to timbre and even image.

Public Speaking

My favorite thing to do is giving songwriting masterclasses, and meeting my students in person. I currently have two workshops: One on keeping your listeners attention and one on how to create content without going insane. If you want to book me for an event, please click the image.

Getting Things Made

Being a creator is about so much more than just your work – it’s about learning to live with yourself. In my second book, I help creators, artists and musicians release more high-quality content without slipping into stress, depression or fatigue. The core principle: “Be the bullet, not the ping pong ball”.

Paper Point & Click Adventures

A series of board games that I’m releasing with German publisher Lookout Games (“Agricola”, “Patchwork”). In each game, you play through a story by exploring an open world, talking to characters and solving puzzles, similar to  computer point & clicks like Grim Fandango or Monkey Island. The first game in the series, Cantaloop, has been translated into five languages and sold out its first print run in the first two months.


Inspired by the great Grunge and Nu Metal bands of the late 90s and early 2000s, I write, perform, produce and publish songs under my artist name “Canohead”. My debut album “Subface”, released in Q1 2020, is a nostalgic deep dive into what it means to be human in the digital age.


Please be aware that I only check my emails every 3-6 days and that I get a lot of emails. My cellphone is always muted. If you want to call me, please make an appointment.


Kaiserstr. 36, 40764 Langenfeld, Germany


+49 (0)176 432 79 300